Committee Nominations Interests Child Form

The committee nominations interests child form is located under the Setup tab on the Committee Profile and displays a list of interests that will be assigned to committee nominees.

Committee nomination interests can be added from this child form.

Committee Nomination Interests Child Form Information

The committee nomination interests child form displays a listing of all interests that will be assigned to nominees for the committee. This child form displays the following data columns:

Column Description
Interest This is the name of the interest that will be assigned to individual nominated for the committee.
Description This is a short description of the interest being assigned.

The following icons are available next to each record on the committee nomination interests child form:

  • Edit - Clicking the Edit icon will open the Edit - Committee Nomination Interest pop-up window where changes can be made to the committee nomination interest.
  • Delete - Clicking the Delete icon will open a confirmation window confirming that you wish to delete the committee nomination interest.

Note: You can also add a committee nomination interest to a committee by clicking the Add icon found on the committee nomination interests child form.